Kuala Selangor Part 2: Kelip-Kelip

27 January 2013

Oh Best Beloved,

There are some things that can only be captured in the heart and in the memory. The best thing I can do is record it all in paper. Through a drawing. Through a story. Through a song or a piece of poetry.

We went to the firefly lake after we ate at the riverside restaurant. Yes, to Kampung Kelip-Kelip. It was the second time for me and Ate Di; the first for the others. The 12th I think for our "tour guide", Andy. Or something.

I wish I describe to you the beauty of that lake (wait, was it a lake or a river - hmmm). We tried taking pictures, we tried taking videos but it was all to no avail. All our shots resulted to black screens or blurred silhouettes of bushes and trees. So I did a digital painting using good ol' Stevie Wonder:

They blinked like Christmas lights set against a Christmas tree. It's amazing how they did it at the same time, synchronized, as if they were flickering to the beat of some unknown music. Set against an almost pitch black  body of water (I say almost because the moon was full when we went there) it was magical and melancholy.

We could go back there, if you want. The sense of wonder never wears off. :)



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