
27 April 2014
Oh Best Beloved,

It's Sunday again and another whirlwind weekend has passed. Caleb got drenched in the rain this afternoon while we were driving from Sunway. It was crazy because it was raining tigers and monkeys in Subang and KL but when we got to Serdang, the roads over there were all practically dry. "Welcome back to Malaysia," the weather exclaimed.

I have just finished cooking a set of packed lunches for the week ahead. Lunch for one, as usual. One day I will look back on these days and nights with fondness. One day I will remember this season of solitude and smile at all the lessons learned, at all the ways God has helped me to grow with steadfastness and grace.

I look at the clock, see that it's still 9:30, and right now I know the night's still young. I will wait by my tablet for that weekly video call so I must busy myself with whatever. I could read a book. I could watch a movie. Or perhaps I could even write some more.

Best beloved, when this night began, I contemplated on not writing anymore. Who reads these stuff anyway? But then I decided that I will continue to write, not really for anyone, but for myself, so that I would remember.

I would remember this season and be filled with gratitude when I reach that point when I've passed through it and I am just simply looking back.

Yes, Best Beloved, I will write to remember.



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