Port Dickson: Pre-Valentine's Celeb

Happy Heart's Day, everyone! I'm holed up inside the office today (what's new?) with nothing really lined up for today. I'm looking forward to eating gallons of ice cream tonight, though.

I'm all in good cheer, however, having come from a pre-valentine's celebration: Partner-in-Crime Xious and I decided to go on a road trip to Port Dickson last Tuesday since it was the last day of the long weekend for me and because we wanted a change of scenery. It was either the beach or the laundry room. 

The beach won, obviously.

A good thing, too. So we drove 1.5 hours to our melancholy destination with songs by Brooke Fraser and Colbie Caillat playing in the background. Good vibes, good vibes, good vibes.

We loved Port Dickson. I don't think PD beaches are really that "swimmable". But the salty breeze, the waterfront view, and the sunshine was enough to put me and Xious in a happy mood.

With that, I shall let these pictures paint six thousand more words about our getaway:

Mari's driving shades finally meets the beach.

I <3 U? Who?

Flip-flops day!


Waiting for lunch.


We went back home at around 6pm in the evening. Too bad we didn't catch the sunset. But we had fun listening to Gabe Bondoc and James Morrison on our way back.

Sigh. Love, love, love, love - precious love. 

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! So, how are you all celebrating this mushy day?

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